Turismo Idiomático

Turismo Idiomático / Idiomatic Tourism

El Turismo Idiomático comprende la oferta de viajes organizados que tienen como motivo principal aprender o perfeccionar el idioma español. Uruguay le ofrece complementar su estadía estudiando español, conocer la cultura, los atractivos naturales y otros recursos del país.

Idiomatic Tourism includes the supply of package tours whose main reason to learn or improve the Spanish language.
Uruguay offers to complement your stay to study Spanish, learn about the culture, natural attractions and other resources of the country.

• Uruguayans are warm and welcoming and they enjoy making visitors feel at home. The political stability and the proximity to its neighbours Brazil and Argentina make Uruguay an attractive destination.
• Uruguay is a country where security and tranquility remain intact; Montevideo is consider the safest capital in Latin America.
• Uruguay has many recreational activities to offer like theatres, cinemas, museums, concerts, restaurants, discos, pubs and bars. Typical performances, such as murgas, folklore, tango or candombe.
• Uruguay offers a rich architecture from different times and styles. They are silent testimony of the colonial heritage and immigrants coming to the country in former times.
• Uruguay is known for its paintings, music and literature. It has one of the smallest rates of illiteracy of the continent (3%), and its capital Montevideo, hosts a recognized university system.
• It has a big variety of landscapes to offer, beautiful sand beaches, an open countryside, a rich fauna and flora and hot springs. Is the ideal place for those who wish to relax and also for anybody looking for adventure.
• The country and its capital city can be easily reached from most parts of the world and it has a very well developed transportation system.
• In Uruguay the four seasons are clearly defined and there is no risk of natural catastrophes or diseases. The weather is mild with an average temperature of 12º during winter time and 25º in summer. There is no atmospheric pollution and a clear sky can be enjoyed all year round.



Is located in Uruguay’s Capital, Montevideo, and offers exclusively Spanish courses for foreign students. It offer the highest academic standards and employs only the best local teachers, all of which have graduated from university with degrees in linguistics or other relevant disciplines.

The academy offers courses in two different formats, individual and group classes for all levels, from beginners to very advanced. Also cooperates with Academia Buenos Aires in offering courses for Spanish teachers. The academy is located in a historic building in the old part of Montevideo, in the pedestrian area. It offers latest technology in a historic setting. Students have access to a rooftop terrace overlooking the constitutions square (Oldest square of Montevideo, surrounding it students can find the cathedral, the first government`s building etc. This is the place where Uruguay`s capital city was founded between 1726 and 1730). Public transport to all other parts of town is ensured by the very efficient bus system.

Montevideo`s old city
Juan Carlos Gómez 1408
C.P.11000 Montevideo, Uruguay

Staff Montevideo
Local Manager:
Mr. Martin Barcelona
Academic coordinator: Pablo Trochon
Student Welfare: Paula Stellardi
Extracurricular activities: Fernanda de Castro

Teachers: All teachers are qualified Spanish teachers and have completed their university studies in relevant disciplines (generally literature and linguistics), have gained teaching experience in other organizations and are very well paid with respect to local standards. Both countries have an excellent pool of highly qualified teachers, of which our selection process filters only the best.


The largest group comes from Brazil (25%), followed by countries from Europe (Germany 15%, Switzerland 10%, France 5%, Austria 5%, Russia 5%), followed by the USA (20%), Canada (5%), and other countries (10%). Depending on the time of the year, the academy has between 10 and 30 students at any given moment. The average stay is 3-4 weeks, with some staying as little as 1 week and others up to 6 months.

The average age of students is 27 years old. The minimum age for the regular group course is 17 years, but most students are 20 or older. Students in the range of 40-60 are not uncommon. In both academies most students are university educated or in the process of studying at the university. Many professionals have chosen the academies because of its serious approach to learning. The academies tend to attract students who wish first of all to improve their Spanish and plan their trip around the Spanish course.

From first contact to arrival
Students and agents who first contact the academy through mail or the website receive a reply to their queries within 24 hours, 365 days a year. They are asked to provide the basic data, such as age, sex, name, address, etc. and the course and accommodation option they prefer. The academia then makes an offer for housing, usually with pictures, which the student accepts or not (in which case a different proposition is made). A written Spanish test is sent in case the student has a prior knowledge of the language and the student is asked to return it by e-mail or fax before arrival. Once the student confirms his/her flight details, an information pack is sent out with all the relevant logistic information for arrival and finding the school.

If the student has booked the airport transfer to his/her accommodation, in Buenos Aires presents him/herself at the VIP car service counter where the student is register and automatically driven to his/her accommodation. In Montevideo students should book this service before their arrival, once they arrive at the Montevideo`s airport someone will be waiting for them with a poster with the students name after custom, once the student meets this person will be driven to his/her accommodation. On the first day of school, the students arrive 30 minutes before class starts and take an oral language test to confirm his/her level. He/she is given a welcome package with local maps, useful information, the extracurricular activities, recommended restaurants and bars, etc. After the first two hours of class the academic coordinator has a brief discussion with each new student (and teacher) to confirm that he/she feels comfortable in the group.

Physical infrastructure, Montevideo

Entire 2nd floor of a recently renovated historic building in Montevideo.
-350 square meters -1 student`s room
-6 fully equipped classrooms, expandable to 8 -1 teacher`s room
-1 reception -1 rooftop terrace
-State-of-the-art infrastructure
-2 student PCs with free ADSL internet
-DVD, TV, Sound machines etc.

-Located in the pedestrian area of the historical Montevideo`s Old City
-Easy access from all parts of town by bus or on foot.


Offer Spanish-language courses in different formats:

-One-on-one classes: In this format, one of the teachers gives individual tutoring to a student. This is a very intensive format and especially suited to students who either want to speed up the learning process or show special needs. Classes start every day, all-year-round.
-Group classes: Groups between 2 and five students. There are 8 skill levels to ensure certain homogeneity necessary for faster learning. All students in group courses are above 17 years of age, except for special travel groups.
-A mix of the above two options.

Dates and times:
Group courses start every Monday, all-year-round, on all levels
Courses are run in two “Shifts”: 9:30 am to 1:30 pm and 2 pm to 6 pm.
New students arriving at the academy and starting on a Monday come to the school half an hour before the start of classes to meet with the academic coordinator, take a written and oral level test and receive basic information on their course schedule.

Courses also include.
-Teaching materials (study books)
-Level test, oral and written, before starting
-Optional exams at the end of each level and at the end of your stay
-Certificate including the amount of hours and level attained (plus grade if you proved the exam)
-A language workshop per week (conversation, phonetics, audio...)
-Two extracurricular activities per week (guided tours to parts of town, museum visits, tango, asado dinners, excursions, etc.)
-Internet access through PCs at the academy and wifi
-Hot and cold drinks
-Access to library and DVDs for further study
-Movie showings and discussions according to special program
-Help in organizing trips around Uruguay and Latin America
-24 hour hotline in Spanish, English, French and German


-One-on-one course:
Designed according to the wishes of the student and the diagnostic of our academic coordinator. There is no minimum of hours. Times are fixed according to students necessities.

-Intensive course:
This group course runs for 20 hours per week and is the academy`s best selling course.
Both academies offer 8 different levels of classes (from “Beginner to Very Advanced”, based on the European Reference Framework) to meet the special requirements and enhance the learning of each and very student. Learning sessions take place in group classes of no more than five students. One level usually takes 2 weeks to complete.
Students can enter at any level or half-level.
Every level has its own communicative, grammatical and pragmatic objectives. On every level professors use a great variety of learning situations, mixing oral communication and listening comprehension using audio and video, text and reading, etc.
Every level has one part of its content dedicated to social, culture and political life in Uruguay and to Latin American history.

-Crash course (1 week only, only beginners):
Offers the basic content required to get around town and handle standard and emergency situations. This course is built around real-life contexts and situations you will meet during your stay in Montevideo. This fact will increase your learning curve and you will be prepared to speak and listen in most standard and emergency situations.
The content of the Crash course is based on 5 units of 4 hours each which introduce the student to the fundamental tools of the Spanish language. In order to facilitate the comprehension of the new foreign language, audio and video material as well exercise material are used. Every unit has been conceived to respond to a real-life situation.

-Spanish and tango
Designed for students who want to combine learning Spanish and taking Tango classes.
This offer includes: either personal or group Tango classes in one of the best Tango academies in town (5 times a week) and Spanish classes (20 hours per week).

-Spanish and volunteer:
Academia Uruguay offer you the possibility to combine Spanish courses with volunteer work. You can work in different organizations and projects in Montevideo, discovering very particular problems and benefiting people in many sectors. Share your time, ideas and skills with Uruguayans and discover their culture in a unique way!

We consider volunteer work as an exchange whereby the volunteer in social organizations offers his work and the organization offers a space to share experiences. Receiving a volunteer implies integrating him into daily routines, allowing him to get to know one’s way of life. Being a volunteer, for us, is not an act of charity. It is a way of getting to know and to respect other cultures.

We work with various organizations and you will have to pay neither for our help in organizing your volunteer work, nor for actually working there. If the volunteer organization depends on donations, Academia Uruguay will make this contribution, not the student. We ask you to take a minimum of three weeks of regular Spanish classes at Academia Uruguay. When starting the volunteer work you will need sufficient Spanish language skills to be able to communicate with the people you will be working with. We consider it necessary to have at least an “Intermediate” Level (= Level 4) at the time you start volunteering.

Our program is for all students willing to share their energy and time for a period of at least 4 weeks on a concrete project. There is no age limit. There is no better way to use and improve Spanish and live a full cultural immersion.

-DELE preparation courses:
The 'Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE)', issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education, Social Policies and Sport, are official qualifications accrediting levels of competence and command of the Spanish language.
-Diploma de Español (Nivel inicial / Beginner level): This qualification attests to sufficient linguistic ability for understanding and responding appropriately in most normal day-today situations and for expressing desires and needs in a basic way.
-Diploma de Español (Nivel intermedio / Intermediate level): This qualification validates sufficient linguistic ability to get by in average day-to-day situations in normal communication circumstances, which do not require specialized use of the language.
-Diploma de Español (Nivel superior / Proficiency level): This qualification accredits the necessary linguistic competence to integrate in situations requiring an advanced use of the language and knowledge of the cultural customs embedded within it we offer one-on-one lessons to prepare students on all levels for the DELE. We take into account your prior knowledge and specifically train you for the exam, in all relevant aspects of it: listening comprehension, writing, text comprehension, grammar and vocabulary, oral expression.
The length of your stay and the quantity of hours you need to prepare the exam depends upon your current level and the DELE level you wish to attain.

-Business Spanish:
This course has been designed for students who would like to focus on Business Spanish. To participate in this course, you will need an intermediate level of Spanish (check the “intensive courses” program). The aim is for our students to learn a maximum of Spanish business terminology, to understand Latin American business dealings and to get an insight into the argentine economy. There is almost no focus on grammar skills, as these can be acquired separately in the general courses or additional private classes. Parts of the course are based on real case studies, which require prior preparation on behalf of the student and active class participation.

-Spanish for Spanish teachers:
The course has been designed for foreign Spanish teachers and focuses on:
- Revising, updating, and deepening the understanding of communicative grammar and phonetic contents.
- Facilitating the understanding of most important historic, social and cultural concepts necessary for the comprehension of argentine and Uruguayan culture
- Providing the tools necessary for teaching Spanish as a foreign language based on the studied material.
Academia Uruguay also offer seminars to local Spanish teachers, as part of its continuous efforts. They are free for the academies staff and are open to all other local teachers for a minimum fee.

In the past, the academy has received many groups of up to 30 students at the same time for a minimum of 1 week, with or without accommodation in host families, shared apartments, hotels or hostels. Please consult for tailor-made programs and prices.


One of the most interesting, enriching and effective ways of getting to know a different country and its culture is by spending one or two semesters studying at a local university. That is why Academia Buenos Aires and Academia Uruguay have teamed up with a series of prestigious Argentinean and Uruguayan universities to offer a unique “study abroad” program with the possibility of combining both destinations.

Our program is based upon the following transparent principles:
(1) we only work with the best universities of each country
(2) while we serve as the students’ point of reference, they build their own programs
(3) students pay only for what they need: components can be booked separately.
These are the building blocks of our program and students choose among them:

A. Basic package including:
- pre-departure pack
- airport pickup, local orientation
- guidance and 24 hour hotline during the entire stay
- free visa guidance, administrative guidance, etc.
- 2 weeks of intensive Spanish courses especially designed for exchange students
- 1 semester at a local university and academic credit
- free extracurricular activities, at least 2 per week, during the entire stay
- free volunteer placement
- free student insurance for 6 months

B. Housing package (single rooms):
- shared housing: 650 USD per month
- family stay with breakfast and dinner: 850 USD per month

C. Additional Spanish courses:
students can add as many weeks of additional Spanish courses as they like, or as required, before or during the university program

D. Weekend trips:
the academies organize trips for all students to attractive destinations Universities currently included in the program:
- Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
- Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay
- Universidad Católica, Montevideo, Uruguay
- Universidad ORT, Montevideo, Uruguay
- Universidad ACJ-YMCA, Montevideo, Uruguay


Host family
Living with a family during your stay in Montevideo, Uruguay, is a unique possibility to get to know our way of life: our habits, our food, our daily schedules, traditional Uruguayan hospitality and much more. It allows you to practice your Spanish in everyday situations, to improve your vocabulary, to improve your pronunciation and to get a feel for the use of certain expressions and phrases. Host family stays are the perfect way to truly learn and live the local lifestyle.

The families that work with us are part of our program and know the way we work.
They are prepared to receive our students and to introduce them to life in Montevideo. Most importantly, they share with us the fundamental desire to receive people from all over the world, to exchange experiences and help familiarize students with our culture. We match our international students and local families, depending on their ages and special interests.

There are three lodging options to consider when staying with a family*:
- Individual rooms (no meals included): US $160 per week
- Individual rooms and full board (breakfast and dinner): US$ 215 per week
- Individual rooms and half board (breakfast only): US$ 180 per week

Students can arrange special requirements and considerations regarding breakfast and dinner with their respective families. In most cases, bathroom and kitchen usage are shared with family members.
Both academies offer standard and superior families. Superior families usually offer better services, such as larger rooms, sometimes individual bathrooms, sometimes air conditioning, etc. In both cases students have their own rooms.

Shared housing
Academia Uruguay offer its student the possibility to share an apartment or house with other international students.
Usually, 3 or 4 students share an apartment, each with his/her own bedroom.
Couples and friends travelling together can ask to share a bedroom. The living and dining room, the bath and other parts of the house or apartment are shared.

The academy can arrange fully furnished apartments / studios in all parts of town, for a minimum period of 2 weeks and up to 1 year. Prices vary strongly according to the neighborhood and square meters.

Immersion activities Language and culture go hand in hand and the academies teaching programs rich in cultural content reflect that. Both academies also offer free cultural program as parts of its extracurricular activities. At least twice a week, students enjoy city tours, guided museum tours, movie showing, Tango classes, asado dinners and many more.
Special occasions require special class subjects, so every once in while one day of Spanish classes is taught around a particular current event.

Academia Uruguay: Calle Juan Carlos Gómez 1408 - C.P.11000 (Montevideo, Uruguay) - www.academiauruguay.com